Online Pop Up Art Sale!
Purchase an original piece of art by Wayne King with a special 25% Family & Friends Discount and designate a 25% donation in your name to the nonprofit of your choice!Coming soon: Anamaki Studio on the banks of the Connecticut River and the Ammonoosuc.
The Rose and the Head Dress (left) selected for inclusion in an International Masters publication.
"Grace for the Rain" added to Climate images.
- Political Economist Mark Blyth joins Wayne King for an episode of The Radical Centrist Podcast and Youtube video.
Listen: Watch: Our Newest Book: New Hampshire - A Love Story. NH in words and images.
Join the fight to restore the Asquamchumaukee name to the Baker River.
- Wayne King is on Substack! See his latest writings here and subscribe to email distribution.
Join the 65 Roses Campaign against Cystic Fibrosis here. NH Consumer Advocate Don Kries has pledged to tattoo 65 roses to his body if he is successful in raising $650K for the CF Foundation to honor his daughter Rose on this his 65th birthday year. We're donating 9 signed prints of The Rose and the Headress No 1. (A limited edition of 10) and several other rose themed images to the effort. "Make That Geezer Get Those Tattoos!"